When optimizing routes, sometimes orders will end up "Not Scheduled" as a result of one of the constraints present for the time period. In this article, we will explain why some orders aren't scheduled and how to resolve these issues.
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Why are orders not scheduled?
When optimizing routes, established constraints will be respected. After optimization, “Not Scheduled” reasons for specific orders will refer to those constraints. Constraints exist to make sure that the orders are being served correctly in terms of time windows, driver working hours, capacities and other needs defined by the dispatchers.
Checking not scheduled reasons
After optimization, you can see which orders weren’t scheduled and why in the “Not Scheduled” tab that will appear if any orders were unable to be scheduled. Each order that doesn’t get scheduled may have different reasons why multiple drivers can’t perform the order.
Not scheduled reasons
Below you will find an overview of what these reasons could be and how to address them.
Reason | Meaning | Solution |
Assigned to another driver | The order is explicitly assigned to a different driver. | Either include the assigned driver in the plan optimization or change (or remove) the assigned driver on the order. |
[Cannot reach location within] Time-Window or Location Business Hours |
The driver could reach the location during the driver's working time but they'd be too late for the time window or business hours (or wouldn't make it back after serving the order within the time window). |
You can check the driver’s work time or the time window on the order. Business hours may also be a factor, so consult the business hours set up in your location settings or for the specific location. |
Driver is busy or at capacity |
Serving this order would require not serving a currently scheduled order, due to either time constraints (work time, time windows, business hours..), distance, or load capacity constraints, or a combination of these. |
You can check the driver’s work time or the capacity set to the vehicle the driver is using and adjust them accordingly. Alternatively, driver "limit route distance" may be a factor, so you can modify this as well. Enabling more drivers will also help get these orders scheduled. |
Insufficient load capacity | The order can't fit at all on this driver's vehicle, even without any other orders. |
Modify the capacity on the vehicle related to the driver or the capacity on the order. |
Outside driver's service area |
When service area options are set to "Restrict Orders in Area to Driver" (default), it means the order is in another driver’s service area.
Modify the service areas of your drivers. |
Skills or vehicle features missing or Required additional skills or vehicle features |
Either skills or vehicle features are missing for the driver or vehicle. |
Check the required vehicle features and driver skills for the order and make sure the driver and/or vehicle match those skills and features. |
Time window, business hours or work time [too restrictive] |
This means at no point during the driver's work shift is the location both open (business hours), and time windows satisfied. |
This requires you to revise your business hours at the location and/or the time windows on the order. You can also modify the driver's working time or the order duration to meet the time windows/business hours at the location. |
Working hours not long enough [to serve location] |
The driver cannot reach the location and serve this order during the driver's working time (even if ignoring the location's time window). |
Modify the driver’s work time. Enabling more drivers will also help get these orders scheduled. |
Overriding constraints
Constraints can be overridden/ignored when performing manual modifications using the drag and drop planning options in the timeline and on the map.